Yoga Synthesis

Shamanic Journey
with Rose Fitzgerald

May 10 (Friday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Imagine going on an inner adventure while laying comfortably on your back, listening to a beating drum with Rose as your trusted guide. As the drum sounds, like a steady heartbeat, you close your eyes, relax, and let your imagination take over. The sound of the drum helps your mind wander into a dream-like state.  During this journey, you will invite spiritual allies to assist you.  You might visualize different landscapes, encounter animals, or meet spiritual guides. A shamanic journey is used for spiritual healing and insight. Join Rose as you journey with specific intentions. During the 2 hours together you will journey to meet spirit allies, to heal an ancestral wound and to assist in moving through a personal obstacle all with the beat of a drum guiding the way.


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